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Our story

Rewire humbly began when Dr Raj Parmar was looking for ways to keep stroke survivors active during the pandemic.

Using materials donated from garden centres, Raj assembled and personally delivered gardening packs to recently discharged stroke survivors.

While helpful, this didn't quite solve the problem. In comes Amy, a software engineer who previously helped develop a solution for orthopaedic patients. Together they’ve co-founded Rewire.

Rewire has been developed with physicians, physio/occupational therapists and of course, stroke survivors.

The team has experience treating a range of neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. This knowledge combined with regular patient feedback has shaped Rewire.

Our foundations

Our mission


Using Rewire, people with a neurological injury can fulfil their recovery potential. We’re committed to reducing post-stroke disability.


Through education we aim to mitigate the risk of stroke and heart disease, two of the world's biggest killers.


Our solutions bring people together and widen access to high quality rehabilitation. You don’t need to go it alone.